제주도 비자림에서의 세포성 점균의 분포 및 비자열매 추출액의 성장 효과에 관한 연구

A Study on the Distribution and the Effect of Torreya Fruit Extract on Cellular Slime Molds in Torreya Forest of Cheju Island

  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


Dictyostelid cellular slime molds were isolated from soils and harks of the subtropical forest of Torreya nucifera in Cheju island. The results were as follows: Polysphondylium pallidum,Dictyostelium purpureum, D. mucoroides, D. aureo-stipes var. aureo-stipes, D. flavidum, D. miniutum, P.violaceu m, D. monocrhasioides. D. brefeldianum, D. polvcephalum. D. areum var. areum, P. tenuissimum, D. fasciculatum. In this forest, P. pallidum and D. purpureum were occurred dominantly, and D. mucoroides and D. aureo-stipes var, aureo-stipes were the second dominant. It was distinguished that D. purpureum was much more cornmonly found than the other forests. Cellular slime molds from the barks of the tree heights of 1,3 and 5m were occured 7, 3 and 2 species respectively. Torreya fruit extract affected on the growth of D. aureo-stipes var. aureo-stipes and D. flavidum but not on D. purpureum and D. mucoroides. Key words: Cellular slime mold, Torreya forest, Torreya fruit extract.
