남부지역에서의 양파 육묘실태

Raising Seeding Status of Onion under Different District in Southern Part of Korea

  • 발행 : 1996.08.01


This study inverstigates growing seedling of onion for 91 farmhouses at Muan, Hampyeong and Sinan which are major areas of production from Jan. to Apr., 1994 to enhance the research effect of onion and then the following results are obtained. Over 60% of the farmhouses have cultured onion continuously over 11years. Early mature variety cultured is over 9 varieties and among them Kinkyu variety is cultured most frequently. Late mature variety is over 13 and Changyongdaego, Bonganwhang and Chunjudaego varieties are cultured most. Most of the farmhouses used seeds less than 6 dl at small area less than $40m^2$ and especially in the case of early variety ,they purchased it at seed stores with 15,000-20,000 won/dl and sowed them with broadcasting method. Amount of fertilizer level of onion seed is ranged from nonfertilizer level to $16.8g/m^ and most of the farmhouses employ molding after seeding with straw and compost and they did not use thinning. Irrigation is performed by 1-4 times before sprouting of onion seed and most of the farmhouses transplant long nursery plant over 46 days hand weeding is used.



  1. 전라남도 농어업 기술개발 연구사업 보고서 양파 우량품종개발과 채종방법에 관한연구 권병선
  2. 전라남도 실용 농수산 기술 연구 보고서 밭작물(양파,마늘,감자) 수확 작업의 기계화 방안연구 권병선
  3. 東資植誌 v.8 no.3 양파採種을 위한 母球의 栽植時期와 멀칭材料가 採種量에 미치는 影響 權炳善;李乙台;鄭東熙;朴熙辰;李相來
  4. 韓資植誌 v.9 no.1 양파收種의 所要時間과 費用節感 權炳善;李乙台;朴又龍;鄭東云;鄭東熙
  5. 順天大 農業科學硏究會 v.10 마늘收種의 所要時間과 費用節感 權炳善;朴又龍;鄭東熙;鄭東云;李乙台
  6. 한국원예학회 논문발표요지 v.13 no.1 양파채종방법과 채종능력 권병선;정동희;정병춘;이을태;김상곤
  7. 한국원예학회 논문발표요지 v.13 no.1 다변량 해석법에 의한 양파의 품종군 분류 권병선;임준택;정동희;정병춘;이을태;황종진
  8. 韓國園藝學會誌 v.37 no.1 多變量 解析法에 의한 양파 品種群 分類 李乙台;鄭東熙;權炳善;鄭秉春;黃鍾珍;林俊澤
  9. 농촌진흥청 작물시헙장 시험연구보고서(특, 약작편) 양파 고품질 저장성 품종육성 이을태;김지광;권병선
  10. 농촌진흥청 호남농업시험장 시험연구보고서(전작과 목포시험장편) 양파 채종재배법과 개선시험 이을태;최인후;정미남;권병선
  11. 순천대 과학과교육 v.제4집 우리나라 西南部 地域에서의 양파 收穫,貯藏 및 流通實態 鄭東熙;權炳善;李乙台;李早鎭