- Can J Zool v.71 Underwater vocalization of ice breeding grey seals Asselin S;Hammill MO;Barrette C
- Am J Vet Res v.24 Physical and behavior analysis of dog vocalizations Bleicher N
- The behavior of the domestic cat Bradshaw JWS
- Behavior problems in dogs(2nd ed.) Campbell WE
- Behavioural Processes v.1 Vocalization in wild canids and possible effects of domestication Cohen JA;Fox MA
- Domestic animal behavior for veterinarians and animal scientist(2nd ed.) Houpt KA
- Can J Zool v.56 Howling at two Minnesota wolf pack summer homesites Harrington FH;Mech LD
- Animal Behavior v.34 no.5 Timber wolf howling playback studies : Discrimination of pup from adult howl Harrington FH
- Can J Zool v.73 Individual variation in nursing vocalizations of Hawaiian monk seal pups, Monachus schauinslandi(Phocidae, Pinnipedia), and lack of maternal recognition Job DA;Boness DJ;Francis JM
- J Korean Logo Phon v.6 no.1 Sound spectrographic analysis of the voice of patients with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis Kim KM;Kakita Y;Hirano M
- Veterinary Technique v.16 no.5 Prevention of and early intervention for feline behavior problems Overall KL
- Poultry Science v.63 Vocalization and behavior of two commercial stocks of chickens Stone ND;Siegel PB;Adkisson CS;Gross WB
- J Anim Sci v.73 Vocalization and physiological response of pigs during castration with or without a local anesthetic White RG;DeShazer JA;Tressler CJ;Borcher GM;Daver S;Waninge A;Parkhurst AM;Milanuk MJ;Clements ET
- Transaction of the ASAE v.32 no.6 Pig vocalization under selected husbandry practices Xin H;DeShazer JA;Leger DW
- Thesis of master, Korea National Univ of Education A comparative study on the calls of Korean native fowl and single comb white leghorn of Gallus domesticus Yoon KD