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- Vet Rec v.108 Incicence of otitis externa in dogs and cats in Japan Baba E;Fukata T;Saito M
- Southest Asean J Trop Med Public Health v.24 The Distribution of Malassezia furfur and Malassezia pachydermatis on normal human skin Bandhya M
- J Small Anim Pract v.17 The association of Pityrosporum pachydermatis with the normal external ear canal of dog and cats Baxter M
- Clini Experim Dermatol v.16 An immunological study in patients with seborrheic dermatitis Bergbrant LM;Johansson S;Robbins D;Scheynius A;Faergemann J;Joderstrom J
- Clini Exp Dermatol v.16 The evaluation of various methods and antigens for the detection of antibodies against Pityrosporum ovale in patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis Bergbrant, LM;Johansson S;Robbins D;Scheynius A;Faergemann J;Joderstrom, J
- J Small Anim Pract v.35 Use of contact plates for the quantitative culture of Malassezia pachydermatis from canine skin Bond R;Collin NS;Lloyd DH
- Mycosis v.34 Malassezia pachydermatis properties and storage Breierova E;Kratochvilova AK;Sajbidor J;Ladzianska K
- Vet Med Small Anim Clin A microbiologic survey of clinically normal and otitic canine ear canals Chengappa MM;Maddux RL;Greer SC
- Brit J Dermatol v.127 Humoral responses to Malassezia furfur serovars A B and C in normal individuals of various ages Cunningham AC;Ingham E;Gowland G
- Int Archs Allergy Appl Immun v.63 Comparison of Antibody Responses in Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis and Tinea Versicolor DaMert GJ;Kirkpatrick CH;Sohale PG
- J small Anim Pract v.24 Bacteriology of the horizontal ear canal of dogs Dickson DB;Love DN
- J Invest Dermatol v.72 Experimental tinea versicolor in rabbits and humans with Pityrosporum orbiculare Faergemann J
- J Invest Dermatol v.77 Experimental infection in rabbits and humans with Pityrosporum orbiculare and P ovale Faergemann J;Fredriksson T
- J Invest Dermatol v.78 Antigenic Similarities and Differences in Genus Pityrosporum Faergemann J
- J Invest Dermatol v.80 Antibodies to Pityrosporum orbiculare in Patients with Tinea Versicolor and Controls of Various Ages Faergemann J
- J Am Acad Dermatol v.14 An immunologic and cultural study of Pityrosporum folliculitis Faergemann J;Johansson S;Scheynius A
- J Small Anim Pract v.2 Otitis externa in the dog Fraser G;withers AR;spruell JSA
- Vet Rec v.104 The role of Pityrosporum pachydermatis in otitis externa of dogs: Evaluation of a treatment with miconazole Gedek B;Brutzel K;Gerlach R;Netzer F;Rochin H
- Sabouraudia v.17 Malassezia pityrosporum pachydematis (Weidman) Dodge 1935 Gordon MA
- Vet J v.45 Otitis externa Aust Grono LR;Frost AJ
- J Clin Microbiol v.25 Association of Malassezia pachydermatis with systemic infections of humans Gueho E;Simmons RB;Pruitt WR;Meyer SA;Ahern DC
- Thesis Royal Vet College Stockholm Otitis externa in the dog a baceriological and experimental study Gustafson BA
- Manual of Clinical Laboratory Immunology(3rd ed.) Serodiagnosis of Fungal Disease Kaufman L;Reiss E
- J Am Acad Dermatol v.22 Immune reactions to Pityrosporum ovale in adult patients with atopic and seborrheic dermatitis Kieffer M;Bergbrant IM;Faergemann J
- Malassezia pachydermatis in Small Anim Mycosen v.30 Kratochulova AK;Ladzianska K;Bucko S
- Pediatr Infect Dis F. v.7 Recovery of Malassezia pachydermatis from eight infants in a neonatal intensive care nursery : clin laboratory features Larocco M;Dorenbaum A;Robinson A;Pickering LK
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.26 Infectivity of Malassezia pachydermatis in the external ear canal of dogs Mansfield PD;Boosinger TR;Attleberger MH
- J small Anim Pract v.15 The bacteriological and clinical assessment of a new preparation for the treatment of otitis externa in dogs and cats Marshall MJ;Harris AM;Horne JE
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.29 Dermatitis Associated with Malassezia pachydermatis in 11 dogs Mason KV;Evans AG
- J small Anim Pract v.25 The aerobic bacterial flora of the middle and external ears in normal dogs Matsuda H;Tojo M;Fukui K;Imori T;Baba E
- J Infect Disease v.157 Clinical and Microbiological Features of Infection with Malassezia pachydermatis in High-Risk Infants Mickelsen PA;Miano-Paulson MC;Stevens DA;Diaz Ps
- Otitis externa Small animal Dermatology(3rd ed.) Muller GH;Kirk RW;Scott DW
- Superficial Mycosis in Saudi Arabia Australs Dermatol v.33 Pankajalakshmi V;Venugopal V
- Modern Teterinary Pract Incidence and treatment of budding yeasts in canine otitis externa Rausch FD;Skinner GW
- Brit J Opthalmol v.62 Canaliculitis with isolation of Pityrosporum pachydermatis Romano A;Segal E;Blumenthal M
- J small Anim Pract v.16 The occurrence and microbiology of otitis externa in the dog Sharma VD;Rhoades HE
- Lodder Pityrosporum Sabouraud Sloof WC
- Aust Vet J v.44 The association of yeast with chronic otitis externa in the dog Smith MB
- Mycoses v.33 Malassezia pachydermatis from a scarlet macaw Strosberg RB;Hochleithner M;Kuttin ES
- J Invest Dermatol v.73 Immunological studies on Pityrosporum Genus and Malassezia furfur Tanaka M;Imamura S
- Jpn J Vet Sci v.52 no.2 Clinico-Microbiological study of the normal and otititernal ear canals in dogs and cats Uchida Y;Nakade T;Kitazawa K
- Vet Q v.8 The pathology of the external ear eanal in dogs and cats Van der Gaag I
- Vet Q v.8 The external ear in skin deseases of dogs and ts a diagnostic challenge Wisselink MA
- Vet Med v.81 Otitis externa Seeing past the signs to discover the underlying cause Woody JB;Fox SM