- Am J Res v.51 Ultrasonographic examination of the liver in cows Braun U
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Ultrasonographic examination of the right kidney in cows Braun U
- Vet Rec v.136 Ultrasonographic examination of the small intestine of cows Braun U;Marmier O
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Ultrasonography of the urinary tract of female sheep Braun U;Schefer U;Gerber D
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.189 Ultrasonographic appearance of the bovine conceptus from days 20 through 60 curran S;Pierson RA;Ginther OJ
- Vet Radiol Ultrasound v.36 Ultrasonographic and biometric evaluation of sheep and cattle eyes El-Maghraby HM;Nyland TG;Bellhorn RW
- Vet Radiol v.26 Ultrasound-guided biopsy of the canine liver, kidney and prostate Hager DA;Nyland TG;Fisher P
- Compend Contin Deuc Pract Vet v.12 Renal ultrasonography in horses Kipler ML;Traub-Dargatz JL;Wrigley RH
- Vet Radiol Ultrasound v.36 Diagnostic ultrasound imaging of soft tissues in the bovine distal limb Kofler J;Edinger HK
- Vet Radiol v.25 Ultrasonographic anatomy of the normal canine kidney Konde LJ;Wrigley RH;Park RD;Lebel JL
- Theriogenology v.41 Ultrasonographic imaging to monitor early pregnancy and embryonic development in the buffalo(Bubalus bubalis) Pawshe CH;Appa Rao KBC;Totey SM
- Theriogenology v.22 Ultrasonography for detection of pregnancy and study of embryonic development in heifers Pierson RA;Ginther OJ
- Theriogenology v.38 Diagnostic techniques for transvaginal-transuterine aspiration of bovine fetal fluid during the early fetal period Sprecher DJ;Kaneene JB
- Am J Vet Res v.48 Renal ultrasonography in healthy cats Walter PA;Johnston GR;Feeney DA;OBrien TD
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.12 한우에서의 초음파화상진단에 관한 연구 김명철;박관호
- 한국임상수의 학회지 v.10 한국산 잡견에서 신장의 초음파검사법 김명철;박관호;박종오;김영범
- 한국임상수의 학회지 v.10 웅성 한국재래산양에서 신장 및 방광의 초음파검사법 김명철;전무형