Automatic Categorization of Clusters in Unsupervised Classificatin

  • Jeon, Dong-Keun (Junior College of Inchon, Department of Control & Instrument Engineering)
  • 발행 : 1996.03.01


A categorization for cluster is necessary when an unsupervised classfication is used for remote sensing image classification. It is desirable that this method is performed automatically, because manual categorization is a highly time consuming process. In this paper, several automatic determination methods were proposed and evaluated. They are four methods. a) maximum number method : which assigns the tharget cluster to the category which occupies the largest area of that cluster b) maximum percentage method : which assigns the target cluster to the category which shows the maximum percentage within the category in that cluster. c) minmun distance method : which assigns the target cluster to the category having minmum distance with that cluster d) element ratio matching method : which assigns local regions to the category having the most similar element ratio of that region From the results of the experiments, it was certified that the result of minimum distance method was almost the same as the result made by a human operator.
