대전 지역 편모가정과 정상가정 여중생의 식생활양상 비교

Dietary Patterns of Middle School Girls Living in Teajon City : Comparisons between Groups of Divorced Single Mother's Family and Both Parent's Family

  • 예종림 (공주대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


This study was aimed at comparing the dietary pattern of middle school girls according to family type. As for subjects, sixty girls of M middle school of Taejon city were chosen as a total. They were devided into two groups consisted of thirty subjects respectively ; those who live in single mother's family(SMF) and both parent's family(BPF). In this study, intakes of food and nutrient and dietary behaviors of each group were investigated through two-day dietary records and questionnaire. The results obtained in this study were as follows : 1) Mean daily intake of all nuitrients except calcium were more than RDAs in two groups. However, intake of calcium and rtio of Ca / P were lower than RDAs in two groups. And proportion of less than 2/3 of RDAs of calcium were higher than other nutrients. Intake of iron was more than RDAs, but nutritional status of iron might be poorer considering the food sorce of iron taken by subjects. According to family type, girls of SMF seemed to have more serious to have more serious problem in these nutrients than those of BPF. 2) The average distribution ratios of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack to total calorie intake was 25.2, 31.3, 24.6 and 18.9 in SMF, and 19.7, 33.1, 24.3 and 22.9 in BPF. Thus it proved that lunch contributed more energy intake than any other meal, and that snack was an important means to supply nutrients for girls of two groups. And energy intake through breakfast of SMF was more than BPF. 3) The major dietary problems of two groups were unbalanced diet, missing meal, and overeating. The degree of sharing meal with family was lower in girls of SMF than those of BPF. The degrees of skipping (p<0.05), or irregularity, or preparing meal by girls(P<0.05) in the case of dinner were tended to be more frequent in SMF than BPF. And number of food taken per day was less various in SMF of 15.2 kinds than BPF of 17.1 kinds(P<0.001). As a conclusion, subjects should take more calcium or iron contained food which is well absorved, and eat diverse foods to improve their nutritional status. And it is also necessary that calorie intake through snack should be diminished, and dinner should be eaten regularly and shared with family if possible. In view of family type, girls of SMF proved to have poorer food habit than those of BPF. Thus, these results shows that dietary pattern of girls is different atcording to family type. Therefore, we should carry out nutritional education for girls considering the difference of dietary pattern by family type. In addition, nutritional education for girls of SMF should be regarded more importantly than those of BPF because girls of SMF might have more chance to manage their meal by themselves and also have more dietary problems.



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