식이 단백질 수준이 한쪽 신장을 절제한 흰쥐에서 나이 증가에 따른 신장의 기능 및 조직 변화에 미치는 영향

Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Renal Functions and Structure in Uninephrectomized Aging Model in Rat

  • 김화영 (이화여자대학교 가정과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1996.12.01


This study was performed to investigate the effect of dietary protein level on renal senescence. Male rats of 337.8$\pm$5.7g body weight were underlateral nephrectomy or shamoperation. The rats were divided into high protein(40% casein), normal protein(15% casein) and low protein(8% casein)diets and fed experimental diets ad libitum for 24 weeks. The results are summarized as follows. There was a hypertophy of the remnant kidney of uninephrectomized rats of 40% or 15% protein group, coming up to the comparable weights of both kidneys of sham-operated rats. However, the hypertrophic effect was not seen in uninephrectomized rats of 8% protein group. Serum albumin was lower in uninephrectomized rats. With increasing dietary protein level blood urea nitrogen was increased, whereas, urinary urea nitrogen excretion was decreased. Urinary solute excretion was higher in uninephrectomized group than in sham-operated group. However, effect of dietary protein level on urinary solute excretion varied dpending on th solutes tested. GFR and urinary protein excretion, throughout experiment, increased with feeding period and with dietary protein level. Proteinuria was most severe in uninephrectomized rats fed 40% casein diet. Maximum urine concentration ability measured after dehydration was not different among the experimental groups. Light microscopic examination showed focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and mild increas of glomerular mesangial matrix in uninephrectomized rats fed 40% and 15% protein diet, however, which was not observed in uninephrectomized rats fed 8% protein diet and in sham-operated rats fed 40% diet. Immunofluorescence studies revealed segmental deposits of albumin in the mesangium and capillary loops in high protein and uninephrectomized groups. Minimal granular deposition of IgG was noted in the mesangium of all experimental groups. In conclusion, high protein intake accelerated deterioration of renal function and it was correlated with morphological change. Low protein intake was effective in preventing these changes.



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