- Nature v.286 Nd-Sr isotopic relationship in granitoid rocks and continental crust development: a chemical approach to orthogneissis Allegre, C. J.;Ben Othman, D.
- Geochemica v.3 Pb isotopic age determination of some Precambrian rocks from north China (additional discussion on Precambrian geochronogical scale of China) Chen, Y.;Zhong, F. D.;Liu, J. Y.;Mao, C. X.;Hong, W. X.
- Jour. Geophys. Res. v.68 A procedure for geochemical interpretation of terrestrial rare-earth abundance patterns Coryell, C. D.;Chase, J. W.;Winchester, J. W.
- EOS v.62 Nd isotopic studies: some new perspective on earth structure and evolution DePaolo, D. J.
- Neodymium isotope geochemistry-an introduction DePaolo, D. J.
A La-Ce dating of Lewisian granulites to constrian the
$^{138}La$ β-decay half-life Dickin, A. P. - Nature v.326 Ce isotope geochemistry of ocean island basalts Dickin, A. P.
- Absolute age determination: Physical and chemical dating methods and their application Geyh, M. A.;Schleicher, H.
- Geochim, Cosmochim. Acta v.1950 Sm-Nd isotopic study of early Archean rocks, Kianan, Hebei Province, China. Huang, X.;Bi, Z.;DePaolo, D.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.68 A Nd and Sr isotopic study of the Tertiary peridotite; implications for mantle evolution Jacobson, S. B.;Quick, J. E.;Wasserburg, G. J.
- Precambrian Res v.34 3.5 Ga old amphibolites from Eastern Hebei Province, China: Field occurrence,petrography, Sm-Nd isochron age and REE geochemistry Jahn, B. M.;Aurvey, B.;Cornichet, J.;Bai, Y. L.;Shen, Q. H.;Liu, D. Y.
- Chem. Geol. v.114 An early Proterozoic leuco-granitic gneiss Lee, S. G.;Masuda, A.;Kim, H. S.
- Chem. Geol. v.94 Precise measurement of Cerium isotope composition in rock samples Makishima. A.;Nakamura, E.
- Geochim Cosmochim Acta v.58 Rare earth element geochemistry and "tetrad" effect McLennan, A.;Nakamura, E.
- Jour. Earth Sci. v.5 Simple regularity in the variation of relative abundances of rare earth elements. Masuda, A.
- Geochemical Jour v.21 Lanthanide tetrad effects in nature: two mutually opposite type Masuda, A.;Kawakami, O;Dohomoto, Y.;Takenaka, T.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett
$^{138}La$ β-decay constant estimated from geochronogical studies Masuda, A.;Shmizu, H.;Nakai, Makishima;Lahti, S. - Science v.200 Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr chronology of continenetal crust formation McCulloch, M. T.;Wasserurg, G. J.
- Jour. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. v.31 A tetread effect in the liquid-liquid extraction ordering of lanthanide(Ⅲ) Peppard, D. F.;Mason, G. W.;Lewey, S.
- Mass Spectroscopy v.38 Estimation of light rare earth element patterns in original sources for rocks from their Ce and Nd isotopic ratios Shimizu, H.;Amakawa, H.;Sawatari, H.;Masuda, A.
- West Greenland. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.91 Geochemistry of Ce and Nd isotopes and REE abundances in the Am soq gneiss Shimizu, H.;Nakai, S.;Tasaki, S.;Masuda, A.;Bridgewater, D.;Nutman, A. P. ;Baadsgaard, H.
$^{138}Ce/^{142}Ce$ ratio and its evolution Shimizu, H.;Tanaka, T.;Masuda, A. - Nature v.300 The La-Ce geochronometer; a new dating method Tanaka, T.;Masuda, A.
- Nature v.327 Combined La-Ce and Sm-Nd isotope systematics in petrogenetic studies Tanaka, T.;Shimizu, H.;Kawata, Y.;Masuda, A.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.45 Precise determination of Sm/Nd ratios, Sm and Nd isotopic abundances in standard solutions Wasserburg, G. J.;Jacobson, S. B.;DePaolo, D. J.;McMulloch, M. T.;Wen, T.
- Precambrian Res v.39 Structual deformation and mineralization in the early Proterozoic Liaojitite suite, eastern Liaoning Province, China Yang, Z. S.;Li S. G.;Yu, B. X.;Gao, D. H.;Gao, C. G.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.5 Least-squares fitting of straight line with correlated errors York, D.
- Precambrian Res. v.46 Archean gneisses, amphibolites, and banded iron formations from the Anshan area of Liaoning Province, NE China: Their geochemistry, metamorphism and petrogenesis Zhai, M.;Windley, B. F.;Sills, J. D.
- Geochimica v.3 Geochronological study of Archean granite-gneiss in Anshan area, northeast China Zhong, F. D.