- 한국식품과학회 · 한국콩연구회 주최 「현대인의 건강을 위한 콩단백질 영양과 이용」 국제심포지움 발표논문집 대두단백이용식품과 이의 품질향상 김철재
- 미국대두협회 Sympsium 초록 유바와 이의 영양 김철재
- J. Food Sci. v.37 Soy protein-lipid films. 1. Studies on the film formation phenomenon Wu, L. C.;Bates, R. P
- 92년도 연식품조합원 교육교재 유바의 제조방법과 향후전망 강종만
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- 日本食品工業學會誌 v.13 ゆはの組成と組織につぃて 岡本奬;九山美江子
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- J. Food Sci. v.37 Soy protein-lipid films. 2. Optimization of film formation Wu, J. C.;Bates, R. P
- Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi v.25 Distribution of trypsin inhibitor during Yuba making Tanimura, W.;Kamoi, I.;matsumoto, S.;Dbara, T
- Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi v.31 Changes in proximate and mineral composition of 'Yuba' (soymilk skins) during their film production Iwane, A.;Tsutsumi, C.;Yasui, A
- Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi v.33 Changes in low molecular weight carbohydrates in Yuba(Soymilk Skin) during Yuba-film formation Iwane, A.;Yasui, T.;Tsutsumi, C
- Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi v.21 Contribution of 11S and 7S globulins of soybean protein to the formation and properties of yuba-film Shirai, M.;Watanabe, K.;Okamoto, S
- Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi v.22 On the constribution in lipid to the properties of Yuba-film Watanabe, K.;Watanabe, T.;Okamoto, S
- J. Food Sci. v.40 Protein quality of soy protein-lipid film(Yuba) and derived fractions Wu, L. C.;Bates, R. P
- Can. Inst. Food sci. Technol. v.9 Protein-lipid interactions in soy film Farnum, C.;Standley, d. W.;Gray, J. I
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- J. Food Sci. v.40 Protein-lipid films as meat substitutes Wu, L. C.;Bates, R. P
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- Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi v.20 On the formation of Yuba-like film wheat gluten Watanabe, K.;Okamoto, S
- Food Prod. Dev. v.9 New method to produce soy protein-lipid films Jaynes, H. O.;Chou, W. N
- Offical Method of Analysis(14th ed.) A.O.A.C
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- pH. D. Thesis, Iowa State University Physico-chemical, nutritional, and flavor properties of soybean extracts processed by rapid-hydration hydrothermal cooking Kim, C. J
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