M/M/s/s + c 대기시스템 재방문

M/M/s/s + c Queueing System Revisited

  • 발행 : 1996.08.01


The generalized Erlang loss function, extensively studied in the literature, is revisited. We study the steady state loss probability in M/M/s/s + c queueing system and prove that it satisfies the first and second order properties in integral number of servers as well as integral queue capacities. Also we study the problem of allocating integral number of servers and queue capacities, and develop an algorithm to obtian an optimal allocation of them individually and jointly with the small number of computations.



  1. Monotonicity of the Load on the Last Server Buchner,M.M.;S.R.Neal
  2. IEEE Trans. Auto. Control. v.36 Stochastic Convexity for Multidimensional Processes and Its Applications Chang,C.X.;Cao,M.Pinedo;J.G.Shanthikumar
  3. Mgt. Sci. v.13 Discrete Optimization via Marginal Analysis Fox,B.
  4. Math. Oper. Res. v.17 Monotonicity in Generalized Semi-Markov Processes Glasserman,P.;D.D.Yao.
  5. Math. Oper. Res. v.17 Generalized Semi-Markov Process : Antimatroid Structure and Second -Order Properties Glasserman,P.;D.D.Yao.
  6. Oper. Res. Lett. v.5 On the Continued Erlang Loss Function Jagers,A.A.;E.A.Van Doorm
  7. Convexity of Erlang B and C Krupp,R.S.
  8. Bell Syst. Tech. J. v.51 Proof of a Convexity Property of the Erlang B Formula. Messerli,E.J.
  9. Technical Report No. 1011 Second Order Properties of the Loss Probability in M/M/s/s+c Systems. Pacheco,A.
  10. Queueing Systems v.15 Second-Order Properties of the Loss Probability in M/M/s/s+c Systems Pacheco,A.
  11. Stochastic Process Ross,S.M.
  12. Mgt. Sci. v.33 Optimal Server Allocation in a System of Multi-Server Stations Shanthikumar,J.G.;D.D.Yao
  13. Math. Oper. Res. v.13 Second-Order Properties of the Throughput of a Closed Queueing Networks Shanthikumar,J.G.;D.D.Yao.