Contextual information 을 이용한 P파 검출에 관한 연구

Improvement of ECG P wave Detection Performance Using CIR(Contextusl Information Rule-base) Algorithm

  • 이지연 (연세대학교 의용전자공학과) ;
  • 김익근 (연세대학교 의용전자공학과, 원주의과대학 응급의학교실, 원주의과대학 심장내과)
  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


The automated ECG diagnostic systems that are odd in hospitals have low performance of P-wave detection when faced with some diseases such as conduction block. So, the purpose of this study was the improvement of detection performance in conduction block which is low in P-wave detection. The first procedure was removal of baseline drift by subtracting the median filtered signal of 0.4 second length from the original signal. Then the algorithm detected R peak and T end point and cancelled the QRS-T complex to get'p prototypes'. Next step was magnification of P prototypes with dispersion and detection of'p candidates'in the magnified signal, and then extraction of contextual information concerned with P-waves. For the last procedure, the CIR was applied to P candidates to confirm P-waves. The rule base consisted of three rules that discriminate and confirm P-waves. This algorithm was evaluated using 500 patient's raw data P-wave detection perFormance was in- creased 6.8% compared with the QRS-T complex cancellation method without application of the rule base.



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