A User Equilibrium Transit Assignment Model with Vehicle Capacity Constraint

차량용량을 고려한 대중교통 통행배정모형구축에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1996.09.01


The purpose of the thesis is providing a new formulation for the transit assignment problem. The existing models dealing with the transit assignment problem don't consider the congestion effects due to the insufficient capacity of transit vehicles. Besides, these models don't provide solutions satisfying the Wardrop's user equilibrium conditions. The congestion effects are considered to be concentrated at the transit stops. For the transit lines, the waiting times at the transit stops are dependent on the passenger flows. The new model suggests the route section cost function analogous to the link performance function of the auto assignment to reflect the congestion effects in congested transit network. With the asymmetric cost function, the variational inequality programming is used to obtain the solutions satisfying Wardrop's condition. The diagonalization algorithm is introduced to solve this model. Finally, the results are compared with those of EMME/2.



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  2. SIAM J. Algebraic Discrete Meth. v.2 Equilibria on a Congested Transportation Network H.Z.Aashtiani;T.L.Magnanti
  3. Modelling Transport J.de D.Ortuzar;L.G.Willumsrn
  4. Trans. Sci. v.27 no.2 Transit Assignment for Congested Public Transport Systems: An Equilibrium Model J. De Cea;J.E.Fernandez
  5. Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables J.M.Ortega;W.C.Rheinboldt
  6. Trans. Res. B v.16B no.6 The Convergence of Diagonalization Algorithms for Asymmetric Network Equilibrium Problems M.Florian;H.Spiess
  7. Trans. Res. v.18B Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Traffic Equilibria M.J.Smith
  8. Studies in the Economics of Transportation M.J.Beckmann;C.B.McGuire;C.B.Winsten
  9. Trans. Sci. v.17 On Binary Mode Choice/Assignment Model M.Florian;H.Spiess
  10. Trans. Res. v.5 A Probabilistic Multipath Traffic Assignment Model which Obviates Path Enumeration R.B.Dial
  11. Avebury Technical Traffic Assignment Techniques R.Thomas
  12. Trans. Sci. v.14 Traffic Equilibrium and Variational Inequalities S.C.Dafermos
  13. Trans. Sci. v.18 no.2 An Efficient Method for Computing Traffic Equilibria in Networks with Asymmetric Transportation Costs S.Nguyen;C.Dupuis
  14. Urban Transportation Network Yosef Sheffi