웅담(熊膽) 및 우루소데옥시콜린 산(酸)의 항(抗)알레르기 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)

The experimental study on the anti-allergic effects of Ursi fel and Ursodesoxycholic acid (UDCA)

  • Jeong Jae-Hwan ;
  • Lee Jin-Yong (Department of Oriental Medical Graduate School Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Kim Deok-Gon (Department of Oriental Medical Graduate School Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Jeong Gyu-Man (Department of Oriental Medical Graduate School Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.05


Experimental studies were done to research the effects of the Ursi fel and the UDCA on the anti-allergic effects. The results were obtained as follows: 1) In the experimental effects of the Ursi fel and the UDCA on the vascular permeability responses to intradermal Serotonin, though both of the Ursi fel and UDCA revealed the significant effect, the Ursi fel had stronger effect than the UDCA. 2) In the provocative effects of the Ursi fel and the UDCA on the vascular permeability responses to intradermal Histamin, though both of the Ursi powfel and UDCA showed the significant effect, the Ursi fel had moreerful effect than the UDCA. 3) In the 48 hours homologous passive cutaneous anaphylaxis provoked by the IgE-like antibody against white egg albumin, though both of the Ursi fel and UDCA revealed significant effect, the Ursi fel had stronger effect than the UDCA. 4) In the delayed type hypersensitivity response to Picryl Chlorede, though both of the Ursi fel and UDCA were proved to be effective significantly the Ursi fel showed stronger effect. 5) In the delayed type hypersensitivity responses to Sheep red blood cell, the Ursi fel revealed the significant effect, though the UDCA has no significant effect. According to above results, the Ursi fel was approved it could be used widely as antiallergic drug for immediate and delayed type allergic diseases. Although the UDCA revealed efficacy in immediated type allergic diseases, it had less powerful effects than the Ursi fel and it showed no effects in some experiment of delayed type allergy, so it would be difficult to be used clinically.



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  21. 소아과 v.21 no.5 알레르기의 면역학적 배경 康석榮
  22. 大韓韓方小兒科學會誌 v.5 no.1 肥兒丸 및 水土丹의 抗알레르기에 關한 實驗的 效果 高聖哲 效果
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  26. 圓光大學校大學院 韓醫學科 學位論文 抄錄集(1978學年度-1990學年度) 熊膽의 Carbon Tetrachloride에 의해 損傷된 白鼠의 肝臟에 미치는 效果 金炳卓
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  51. 알레르기 v.14 no.1 알레르기 질환의 조기 예방 편복양
  52. 大韓韓方小兒科學會誌 v.16 no.1 酒歸飮 및 酒歸飮加味方의 抗알레르기에 關한 實驗的 效果 韓河均
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  70. 本草綱目 李時珍
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  74. Pediatrics Abraham M. Rudolph
  75. Immunology v.15 Asheson, G.L.;Ptak, W.
  76. Basic and clinical pharmacology(3rd edi.) Bertram, G. Katzung
  77. Allergy Elliott Middleton(외)
  78. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics(7th. edi.) Goodman;Gilman
  79. Microbiology & Immunology v.22 Katayama, S.;Shionaya, H.;Ohtakw, S.
  80. Folia pharmacology v.80 Anti-allergicaction of crude drugs and blended chinese traditional medicines : Effect on Type I and Type IV allergic reaction Koda, A.(et al)
  81. Medical Pharmacology at a Glance Neal, M.J.
  82. Pediatrics Paul H. Dworkin
  83. Canada J. physiol. pharmachol. v.52 Stotland, L.M.;Share, N.N.
  84. 日本藥理學會誌 v.80 大森健守(等)