월경(月經)의 개시(開始)와 폐지(閉止)에 관여(關與)하는 천계(天癸)의 동서의학적(東西醫學的) 고찰(考察)

Study on Chungye Relavant to Menstration Starting and Pause Compared by Oriental and Western Medicine

  • 김은기 (국립의료원 한방진료부) ;
  • 성우용 (국립의료원 한방진료부) ;
  • 송경섭 (국립의료원 한방진료부)
  • Kim, Eun-Ki (Department of Oriental Medicine, National Medicine, Center) ;
  • Seong, Woo-Yong (Department of Oriental Medicine, National Medicine, Center) ;
  • Song, Kyung-Sup (Deparment of Oriental Medicine, National Medicine, Center)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.30


This study is to review the oriental medical literatures about Chungye and endocrinologic literatures about menstration, pregnancy, menopause and male-sex cycle. The conclusions obtained are as follows; First, according to Naegyung, Chungye exists in both male and female, it makes human fertile. It comes with starting menstration and is exhausted with menopause. Second, it was said that the name of Chungye originated in Chun of Chunjinjiki(energy of genuine cosmos) and Gye of Imgyejisu(water of Imgye). Third, some authors advocated that Chungye is menstration. But it was criticized by other authors and it is not accepted at the present time. Forth, there was an assertion that Chungye is Eumjung. The assertion has been developed as the hypothesis that Chungye may be a endocrinologic substance relavant to menstration and pregnancy. Fifth, there was an interpretation that Chungye is FSH. But this interpretation might be unreasonable if it is based on the results observed by endocrinologic researches. According to the current endocrinologic researches, Chungye may be GnRH, when Chungye is the necessary endocrinologic substance to menstration and pregnancy, exists in male and female and is exhausted with menopause.



  1. 漢醫學辭典 金定濟
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  3. 東醫腎系學 杜鎬京
  4. 濟陰綱目 武之望
  5. 臨床內分泌學 閔獻基
  6. 漢方婦人科學 宋炳基
  7. 내분비학 최영길
  8. 精校黃帝內經素門 洪元植
  9. Postgraduate Medical digest. N v.5 更年期 婦人에서의 Hormone動態 申雄浩
  10. 高醫 v.7 no.12 閉經期의 身體的 變化와 治療 安在榮
  11. 대한의학협회지 v.35 no.5 폐경의 치료 이진용
  12. 대한내분비학회지 v.4 no.1 한국인 갱년기 여성의 골밀도 및 호 르몬 변화에 관한 연구 한인권(외)
  13. 中醫婦科學 羅元愷
  14. 中醫婦科學 羅元愷
  15. 女科仙方 傅山
  16. 中國醫學大辭典 謝觀
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  20. 醫宗金鑑 吳謙
  21. 婦科病飮食療法 劉國普(外)
  22. 婦人規 張景岳
  23. 婦人良方大全 v.1 陳自明
  24. 女科證治歌括 叢春雨
  25. 新中醫 女科之腎與衝任 유국방