Limit of equivalence ratio on mixing enhancement in rich flames.

과농 예혼합화염의 혼합촉진에 대한 당량비 한계

  • 김진국 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과) ;
  • 신현동 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1996.07.31


An experimental investigation has been made with the objective of studying the limits of equivalence ratio on mixing enhancement in a tone excited jet flame. The jet is pulsed by means of a loudspeaker-driven cavity and rich flames(${\phi}>1.5$) are used. The excitation frequency is chosen for the resonant frequency identified as a pipe resonance due to acoustic excitation. Methane, propane and butane are used to examine the effect of mixture property on the limit of equivalence ratio. Mixing is always enhanced in a methane/air flame as the excitation intensity increases. Constant lower limits of equivalence ratio for mixing enhancement are present in cases of propane/air and butane/air flames irrespective of mean mixture velocities. The equivalence ratio limits are also found to be related to the flame instability ; the lower Le, the higher the limit of equivalence ratio. Under the equivalence ratio limits, cellular flames are generated as the excitation intensity increases. The amplitude of oscillating velocity for generating a cellular flame in the equivalence ratio limit is proportional to a mean mixture velocity irrespective of fuels.
