Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 39 Issue 3
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- Pages.235-240
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- 1996
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
Conformation and Reactivity of Herbicidal Benzenesulfonyl urea Compounds
제초성 Benzenesulfonyl urea계 화합물의 형태와 반응성
- Yu, Seong-Jae (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chung-nam National University) ;
Lee, Sang-Ho
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chung-nam National University) ;
Ko, Young-Kwan
Sung, Nak-Do
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chung-nam National University)
- Published : 1996.09.30
The most stable stereo conformer in non substituted benzenesulfonyl urea, 1 was the II-keto form, which the molecule was intramolecular associated(H-bond) coformer between imide group and N atom on the Pyrimidine ring. The hydrolytic degradation of 2 derivatives were proceeds by nucleophilic addition reaction(p<0) with orbital controlled intermolecular interaction between LUMO with electron donating
제초성 비치환(H) benzenesulfonyl urea 분자, 1은 sulfonyl group 인접의 amino group과 pyrimidinyl group의 N원자 사이에 회합(H-결합)된 형태(II-keto)가 제일 안정하였으며 phenyl 치환
- Confomation & Reactivity, N-(4,6-disub. pyrimidine-2-yl)aminocarbonyl-2-(1,1-dime-thoxy-2-fluoro)ethylbenzene-sulfonamide;
- SAR;
- Herbicidal activity