근로자의 건강상태 추이 분석 -고혈압, 간장질환 환자대조군 연구-

Analysis of the Trend of Employee's Health Status -Case Control Study for Hypertensive, Liver Diseased Employees-

  • Han, Mi Kyung (Dept. of Community Health Nursing Graduate School of Health Science and Management Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 1995.07.30


The periodic health examination have been shown the important role on early detection, early treatment and prevention of disease. Until now, there have been many studies that showed the effectiveness of the periodic health examination on the early detection and early treatment of disease to some extent. But there are few studies about primary prevention before health problem arise. In this case-control study, 29 newly detected hypertensive cases, 31 liver disease cases and 65 controls which are all available for 6-year data in the periodic health examination of a occupational field were compared to investigate the significant increase trend of health status between the groups. The results will be used for the occupational health nurses to provide appropriate primary prevention to the employees. The hypertensive and liver disease cases were divided observation-needed group and treatment-needed group. The data on systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, Body Mass Index and Broca Index in hypertensive cases and SGOT, SGPT, Body Mass Index and Broca Index in liver disease cases were analyzed by t-test and ANOVA. The specific findings are summarized as follows. 1. In the comparison between the hypertensive cases and controls, SBP and DBP of the observation-needed group and the treatment-needed group were significantly higher than the data of the controls for past 6 years. It was 2-3 years ago showing increase over 140/90mmHg of blood pressure in the hypertensive cases before they are categorized as hypertensive cases. In the observation-needed group and the treatment-needed group, the trend of the blood pressure for 6 years were significantly higher than the one of the controls. 2. In the comparison between the liver disease cases and controls, SGOT and SGPT of the observation-needed group and the treatment-needed group were significantly higher than the data of the controls for past 6 years. It was 2 years ago showing increase within upper normal limit of SGOT and 5 years ago of SGPT in the liver disease cases before they are categorized as liver disease cases. In the observation-needed group and the treatment-needed group, the trend of the liver enzyme for 6 years were significantly higher than the one of the controls. With these results, the author proposed that intervention for the primary prevention such as continuous follow-up, health education and weight control to the population who has over 140/90mmHg of blood pressure and upper normal limit of AST and ALT.
