Frictional Pressure Drop of a Capillary Tube Flow of Pure HFC Refrigerants and Their Mixtures

HFC 순수냉매 및 혼합냉매의 모세관내에서 마찰에 의한 압력강하

  • 장세동 (LG전자(주), 생활시스템 연구소) ;
  • 노승탁 (서울대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1995.11.01


The frictional pressure drop of a capillary tube flow is experimentally investigated for pure refrigerants such as R32, R125, and R134a and refrigerant mixtures such as R32/R134a(30/70 by mass percent), R32/R125(60/40), R125/R134a(30/70), and R32/R125/R134a(23/25/52). The binary interaction parameters for the calculation of viscosities of refrigerant mixtures are found based upon the data in the open literature. Several homogeneous flow models predicting the viscosity of two-phase region are compared to select the best model. Cicchitti's equation is known to be the most adequate for the prediction of the viscosity for refrigerant mixtures, which is used in the analysis of adiabatic capillary flows. A model for the prediction of the frictional pressure drop of single and two-phase flow is developed for refrigerant mixtures in this study. This model may be used to design and analyze the performance of a capillary tube in the refrigerating system.
