Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture (한국환경농학회지)
- Volume 14 Issue 1
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- Pages.23-27
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- 1995
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- 1225-3537(pISSN)
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- 2233-4173(eISSN)
Evaluation in ELISA for the Residue Analysis of Metalaxyl in Crops
작물체중 Metalaxyl 의 잔류분석을 위한 ELISA의 응용
- Lee, Kang-Bong (College of Agriculture, Chonnam National University) ;
Im, Geon-Jae
(Department of Crop Protection, Agricultural Science and Technology Institute) ;
- Jung, Young-Ho (Department of Crop Protection, Agricultural Science and Technology Institute) ;
- Suh, Yong-Tack (College of Agriculture, Chonnam National University)
- Published : 1995.04.30
The cross-reactivities of antibody derived from rabbit immunized with metalaxyl-HSA conjugate were identified to 44% and 28% for metalaxyl acid and metolachlor respectively. The detection range of metalaxyl in competitive ELISA was 5 ppb to 5 ppm. The recoveries of metalaxyl in ELISA for 6 crops; potato, sesame, pepper, cabbage, cucumber and onion was ranged 77.5-103.6%. In this test, CV% were calculated below 10% except for sesame sample as shown 21.5%.
침투 이행성 살균제인 metalaxyl을 ELISA에 의해 잔류분석하기 위해 생성된 항체는 metalaxyl acid와 metolachlor에 대해 44%와 28%의 교차 반응성을 나타냈고 시료 검출범위는 5ppb에서 5ppm 까지 였다. ELISA에 의한 metalaxyl의 검출한계는 5ppb였으며 6가지 작물(감자, 참깨, 고추, 배추, 오이, 양파)에서 회수율 시험한 결과는 77.5-103.6% 범위였다. 이 분석법의 변이계수 백분율 값은 참깨에서의 21.5%를 제외하고는 모두 10% 이하였다.