쿼타관리제도의 국내 여행에 관한 연구

A Study on the Introduction of Allocated Catch quota System

  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


Recently our government intended to change the present fisheries management system into the allocated catch quota system, which is to increase the income of fishermen and to recover the depleted resources up to a desirable level. This paper is to find out the difficulties of introducing the allocated catch quota system into our fisheries mangement system and to reduce the possible errors for the enforcement of this system. The allocated catch quota system can be devided by two kinds, the one is to allocate among industries or fisheries with total allowable catch(TAC) and the other is to allocate among fishermen or individual vessels with individual fish quota(ITQ). The latter is a much advanced control system compared with the former and is what this study treats. This paper reviewed the case of Newzealand and Canada where the ITQ system is introduced earlier and classified the problems by two parts for successful introduction into Korea as follows : (1) allocation method problems, (2) enforcement problems. For the first part the problems to be considered are 1) a scientific oath qouta calculation system is necessary, 2) the quota must be opened, 3) by-catch problems. 4) interactions with adjoining countries. For the second part the problems to be considered are 1) monitoring system, 2) quota transferability, 3) quota flexibility, 4) the enforcement of the system must be connected with the reduction of fishing power, 5) a mass communication and decision making system between government and fishermen is essential.
