Exclusive Economic Zone Expansion and Resource Efficiency: Strategic Expansion and the Effects of Lobby

배타적 경제수역의 확대와 자원의 효율성: 전략적 확대와 로비의 경제적 효과

  • 김은채 (부산수산대학교 경영대학 무역학과)
  • Published : 1995.06.01


Since the coastal countries, such as Unite States and other Latin America countries, proclaimed their 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone, these countries have attention to the need to develop effective coastal management and resource conservation But these countries often perceive themselves as being in competition with each other for profitable for the expansion of the vested EEZ. In such a situation, Exclusive Economic Zone expansion can appear as attractive policy tools in a coastal fishing firms in a noncooperative rivalries with pelagic countries, enable them to expand their fishing share and earn more profits. In reality, the coastal countries strategic Exclusive Economic Zone expansion change the initial condition of the game that both countries' fishing firms play. In this case, the coastal countries' fishing, such as South Korea, Japan and others, act as a followers. As result, the coastal countries' welfare is improved because of pelagic countries profit share shifts to the coastal countries profit share. In this paper, we find that coastal countries strategic EEZ expansion policy may not improve the coastal contries welfare if the shifting profits are dominated by the direct lobbying costs and related resource depletion.
