Fauna of Arthropods of Medical Importance in Chindo Island , Korea

전남 진도의 위생 절지동물상

  • han-II Ree (Institute of Tropical Medicine , Yonsei University)
  • Published : 1995.03.01


Fauna of medically important arthropods in Chindo Island was studied in July 1994. Among eight speices of mosquitoes (Diptera : Culicidae), Culex tritenirohyunchus was predomiant (46.5% of the total0, and Anopheles sinensis the next. Seven specimens of the unidentified Culex sp. which seemed to be new were also collected. Total 23 species of non-biting midges(Diptera : Chiornomidae) were found in Chindo Is. Of them , Chironomus kiiensis was the predominant species (67.3%) , and Ch.flaviplumus the next (15.6%). Three species, Cladopelma viridula, Dicrotendipes septemmaculatus and Harnischia urtilamellata are reported for the first time in Korea, and they are fully re-described with illustrations. Among five species of biting midges (Diptera : Ceraopogenidae) collected, Culicoides punctatus was predominant (88.7%). A species of Foreipomia was also collected, and this genus is not recorded in Korean fauna. Only two species of domiciliary cockroaches, Periplaneta japonica and P.americana were collected in small numbers and Blatella germanica which is known as the most predominant speices in Korea was not found. The predominant speices of field rodents was Apodemus agrarius and thier ectoparasites were Leptotrombidium orientale (Acarina : Tromicibulidae), Lxodes nipponensis (Acarina : Ixodidae) ; Laelaps jettmani and Eulaelaps stabularis (Acarina : Laelapidae).

1994년 7월 전라남도 진도에서 위생절지동물상을 조사하였다. 모기는 8종이 채집되었는데 그중 일본뇌염 매개종인 작은빨간집모기(Culex tritaeniorhynchus)가 우점종이었다. 신종으로 보이는 Cluex sp. 유충이 채집되었는데 명명은 성충이 채집되지 않아 보류하였다. 깔따구는 모두 11속 23종이 채집되었는데 그 중 Cladopelma viridula(녹색사촌무깔따구, 신칭), Dicrotendipes septem-maculatus(여섯점갈래깔따구, 신칭) 및 Harnischia urtilamellata(혹무깔따구, 신칭)는 한국 미기록종이어서 자세히 재기재하였다. 깔따구류중 우점종은 안개무늬날개깔따구(Chironomus kiiensis)이었고(67.3%), 노란털깔따구(Ch. flaviplumus)가 그 다음이었다(15.6%), 등에모기는 모두 5종이 채집되었고 그 중 Culicoides punctatus가 88.7%로 우점종이었다. Foreipomia sp.도 채집되었는데 이 속은 한국에서 처음으로 기록되는 것이다. 들쥐 채집결과는 등줄쥐(Apodemus agrarius)가 높은 밀도를 보였고 등줄쥐에 기생하는 외부기생 절지동물로 Leptotrombidium orientale, Ixodes nipponensis, Laelaps jettmani, Eulaelaps stabularis 등이 동정되었다.
