현 중.고등학교에서 실시하고 있는 부모교육과 이에 대한 어머니들의 인식에 관한연구

A Study on the Mothers’ Recogniton and Current Status of Parent Education in Secondary School

  • 이신숙 (목포대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze mothers’ recognition and the current status about educational programs for who have their children. For this purpose, questionaire method was used. The respondents were 400 mothers with children in secondary schools. Statistical methods adopted for data analysis were Frequency, Percentage, Chi-square. The major findings are as follows: 1. The result of mothers’recognition on parent education is : Most of the mothers of students have difficulty in guiding their children. And mothers usually depend upon mass media as the way to collect information about the education of their children. They want to strengthen their relationship with school through this program. 2 the results from this study on mothers’ recognition on actual conditions of parental participation is : The main reason for mothers’participation is to obtain knowledge to support the education of their children, and to keep the close relationship with school. They had difficulty in attending meetings due to their houseworks and jobs. 3. The types and contents of the mothers’ education program: The contents of education consisted of understanding their children. The period of parent education in secondary school was practiced during the weekdays.



  1. 서울대학교 석사학위 논문 부모의 온정 및 통제와 아동의 역량에 대한 자기 지각 공인숙
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  3. 교육사회학 김병성
  4. 교원대학교 석사학위 논문 국민학교의 학부모교육 실태 및 요구분석 김은미
  5. 서울대학교 석사학위논문 발달과업에 기초한 성인중기의 교육적 필요와 그 관련요인 김정일
  6. 이화여자대학교 석사학위 논문 유아교육을 위한 부모교육 및 부모참여에 관한 연구 박영실
  7. 부모교육론 이원영
  8. 청년심리학 이춘재(외7인)
  9. 평생교육과 가정교육 임선희
  10. 부모교육 유안진;김연진
  11. 인간과 교육 정원식
  12. 부모교육의 원리와 방법 정문자(역)
  13. Psychology in the schools v.1 The stormy decade: Fact or fictions? Bandura,A.
  14. Sociology of education Brookover,W.;B.Erickson
  15. The Academic Impact ducation Climates: Structured and Process in Secondary Schools Eriward,McDill;Leo,Rigsby
  16. Contemporary Influences in Early Childhood Education(2nd.) Evan,Elis,D.