우리나라 해운산업의 경쟁력 실태분석

A Study on the Situation Analysis for Competitive Advantage Power of Korean Shipping Industry

  • 이학헌 (한국해양대학교 대학원 해운경영학과) ;
  • 민성규 (한국해양대학교 사회과학대학 해운경영학과)
  • Published : 1995.08.01


The development of Korean shipping industry is maybe defined into three development stages-industry fixing stage, industry coordinating stage, industry development stage-. The development of shipping industry has been depended on the geovernment/authority role such as shipping policy, system, law, rules and regulations. In 1983, Korean shipping industry reorganization and coordination by shipping authority have made our shipping industry on the stable condition together with each company's efforts. Today's world economic environment such WTO/UR negotiation results get this government role limited. According to the being reduced government role, each company's competitive advantage power becomes more important. Besides, korean shipping industry is exposed into the entire and bitter world competition. In order to win and prevent the world shipping competition, it is necessary to look out the competitive advantage power of Korean shipping industry. The first purpose of this study is the situation analysis for competitive advantage power of Korean shipping industry. The second is to compare with our shipping policies with foreign ones concerned with ship, cargo, crew, tax and others. But in order to compare with foreign shipping, this study need their shipping statistics data, this study has some limit of the foreign data. This study has been carried on the basis of the following items. 1. Shipping environment, 2. Ships and ship acquirement(shipbuilding/purchasing), 3. Oceangoing cargo and ship's stowage rate, 4. Human factor in shipping-crew, 5. The incomes and costs in finacial statements. We have some conclusions as following through the this study. First, Korean shipping industry environment-competitive disadvantage situation- has changed rapidly due to the shipping market opening, free market entering of foreign shipping. Second, Korean shipping is disadvantageous due to the high tax rate and financing conditions in connection with ship acquirement. In order to improve the competitive advantage power, the shipping tax system and ship financing conditions should be reviewed to profitable for owners. Third, but both world and Korean oceangoing cargoes quantity have been increased annualy, Korean ship's cargo stowage rate is being decreased. This is serious situation but Korean shipping take well use of foreign vessel with hire. It is recommended to take use of owner's vessel and hired ones in the long range view, considering the world shipping management. But the number of crew has been decreased by 2, 000~3, 000 annualy, it is desirable that the long sea-experienced crew have been increased. Almost of owners usauly complain the crew cost is the main obstacles to competitive advantage power. Human factor is the most important firm's asset. All owners should pay attention to this though, and invest the proper budget to training, education, welfare as much as possible. In the long run this effects could be feedback to owners. Fifth, We must improve the financial statements structure, that is, the first step is to increase income, the second is to decrease cost, the third is to increase income on the same cost, the fourth is to decrease cost on the same income. It is essential to find out what the urgent investment is and what unnecessary cost is. At last, in order to competite world shipping race, each shipping firm must try for himself to retain the power. The government/authority is no longer dependable. I believe that each firm's power will be the industry's power, the industry's power will be the nations's power.
