Flows and Some Extreme Values in Multiple Server Open Jackson network

  • Park, You-Sung (Department of Statistics, Korea University, Seoul 136-701) ;
  • Lee, Hae-Yong (Department of Statistics, Sungshin Women's University, Seoul 136-742)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


Output processes emanating from exit arcs in a mulitple server open Jackson network with node i having $s_i$ servers are determined. Beutler and Melamed (1978) showed, for traffics on all exit arcs of single server open Jackson network in equilibrium, that the customer streams leaving any exit set are Poisson and that the collections over all nodes which yield the Poisson departure processes are mutually independent. In this paper we generalize the above results to multiple servers open Jackson network in equilibrium. While no weak limit result is possible under the equilibrium condition, nonetheless approximations to the distributions of maximum queue lengths for no feedback nodes in multiple servers open Jackson network are established.



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  9. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications v.27 Extreme Values of Birth and Death Processes and Queues Serfozo,R.F.
  10. Mathematics of Operations Research v.13 Extreme Values of Queue Lengths in M/G/1 and GI/M/1 Systems Serfozo,R.F.