- 人間工學 v.19 no.2 VDT作業が視機能に與える影響 要本晋二
- 産業醫學 v.26 VDT作業の-運績作業時間に關する實驗的硏究 三澤哲夫(外 2人)
- 日本照明學會國際심포지움講演集 Office-lighting for balanced Perception and VDU-work H.J.Hentshel
- JOURNAL of illumination Engineering Society Preferred Luminances in Offices Coyen,M.H.(et al.)
- 日本照明學會誌 v.74 no.6 VDT作業における視覺條件と生理的負擔-中照度領域の場合- 池曰 勇
- Lighting Design and Application The Effect of Lighting System on Video Display Terminal Contrast Brabson,G.K.
- Lighting Res and Tech Consistency and Vanation in preferences for office lighting Tregenza,P.R.(et al.)