유유아의 월령에 따른 신체 발달 연구 -12개월에서 59개월을 대상으로-

A Study of the Body Development of Infant and Child

  • 최유경 (서울대학교 가정대학 의류학과) ;
  • 이순원 (서울대학교 가정대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.09.01


This study was done to provide basic data for better fittness of infants and children's clothes and to get the developmental aspect of the subjects. The subjects were total 610 infants and children, 302 boys and 308 girls between month 12 to 59. 67 dependent variables were analyzed by the method of Duncan Test as Multiple Range Test among 8 groups anti T-test between male and female of same age groups. Following results were obtained: 1. In Duncan Test of the direct measurement items, the most subjects between group 1 and 8 were significantly different in the majority of dependent varibles, especially in height and length items 2. In Duncan Test of the body indices, as the subjects 'ages are higher, their bodies were balanced with the growth of the girth of their lower body. 3. In T-test, the significant difference between male and female of same month group was appeared mainly from 4th group to 7th group.
