- 중약대사전 강소신의학원
- 산나물의 재배와 이용법 최영전
- 산야초 여행 윤병국;장준근;전길신
- Kor. J. Pharmacol. v.2 Separation and identification of cirsimarin from Cirsium pendulum Yun,H.S.;Chang,I.M.
- 생약학회지 v.15 Cirsium속 식물의 성분연구(V) 이용주;박영훈
- Arch. Pharm. Res. v.17 Flavonoids from Cirsium rhinoceros Lee,H.B.;Kwak,J.H.;Zee,O.P.;Yoo,S.J.
- Arch. Pharm. Res. v.9 Flavonoids from the leaves of Rhododendron brachycarpum Chi,J.S.;Young,H.S.;Park,J.C.;Choi,J.H.;Woo,W.S.
- Anal. Biochem. v.95 Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction Ohkawa,H.;Ohishi,N.;Yaki,K.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent Lowry,O.H.;Rodebrough,N.J.;Farr,A.L.;Randall,R.J.
- The systematic identification of flavonoids Mabry,T.J.;Markham,K.R.;Thomas,M.B.
- Arch. Pharm. Res. v.12 Flavonoid glycosides from Meladrium firmum Woo,E.H.;Woo,W.S.
- The flavonoids Markham,K.R.;Mabry,T.J.;Harborne,J.B.(ed.);Mabry,T.J.(ed.);Mabry,H.(ed.)
- Phyto chemistry v.20 An acylated allose-containg 8-hydroflavone glycoside from Veronica filiformis Chari,V.H.;Grayer Bakmeijer,R.J.;Harborne,J.B.;Osterdahl,B.
- J. Nat. Prod. v.54 Chemical constituents of Buxus semperviens Rahaman,A.U.;Ahmed,D,;Asif,E.;Ahmad,S.;Sener,B.;Turkoz,S.
- Planta Medica v.36 A new acylated apigenin 4'-O-β-D-glucoside form the leaves of Lycopodium clavatum Ansari,F.R.;Ansari,W.H.;Rahman,W.;Seligmann,O.;Chari,V.M.;Wagner,H.;Osterdahl,B.G.
- Lipid peroxidation and nutrition Osarnu,I.
- Plant flavonoids in biology and medicine : Biochemical pharmacological and structure-activity relationships Nature, distribution, and function of plant fiavonoids Harbone,J.B.;Cody,V.(ed.);Middleton,E.(ed.);Harbone,J.(ed.)
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.32 Flavonoids, A class of natural products of high pharmacological potency Havsteen,B.
- Int. Congr. Symp. Ser-R Soc. Med. v.47 The free radical scavenginging action of (+)-cyanidanol-3 in relation to the toxicity of carbon tetrachloride Slater,T.F.;Scott,R.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.26 Inhibitory action of silymarin of lipid peroxidation formation in rat liver mitochondria and microsomes Bindol,A.;Cavallini, L;Silipandri,N.
Pharm. Res. Comm.
Heterogenous effect of flavonoids on
$K^+$ loss radicals in human red cells. Maridonneau Parini,I.;Braquet,P.;Garay,R.P. - Planta Medica v.43 Inhibitory action of some flavonoids on enhanced spontanous lipid peroxidation following glutathione depletion Younes,M.;Siegers,C.P.