가뭄의 원인과 예측

  • 최영진 (기상연구소 응용기상연구실)
  • 발행 : 1995.02.01




  1. 우리나라 가뭄에 관한 연구, MR 93 A-005 기상연구소
  2. 기후변화 협약 관련 국가보고서 작성 및 대응 방안 연구 : 기상부문 기상연구소
  3. Mon.Wea.Rev. v.111 Fulctuations in the drought/flood are over India and relationships with the Southern Oscillation Bhalme,H.N.;Mooley,D.A.;S.K.Jadhav
  4. Oceanic Selections v.2 no.2 The effects of tropical ocean to the Western Pacific subtropical high Fu,C.;K.R.Li
  5. Mon.Wea.Rev. v.111 Some facts about the effect of the Rasmusson E.M. and T.H. Carpenter, 1983 : The relationship between eastern equatorial pacific sea surface temperature and rainfall over India and Sri Lanka Li,K.;S.Y.Shen
  6. Mon.Wea.Rev. v.114 North American precipitation and temperature paterns associated with El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Ropelewski,C.F.;M.S.Helpert
  7. Mon.Wea.Rev. v.111 The southern oscillation and long range forecasting with the summer monsoon rainfall over India Shukla,J.;D.A.Paolino
  8. WMO/TD-No. 605 Drought and desertification WMO