청국장으로부터 혈전용해균주의 분리 및 동정

Screening and Imentification of the Fibinolytic Bacterial Strain from Chungkook-jang

  • 김용택 (롯데그룹중앙연구소 생물과학팀) ;
  • 김원극 (롯데그룹중앙연구소 생물과학팀) ;
  • 오훈일 (세종대학교 식품공학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.02.01


Bacterial strains showing the fibrinolytic activity were screened from Chungkook-jang and Natto (Japanese traditional soy food). The strains isolated from Natto revealed a high level of fibrinolytic activity, wherease nearly half of the isolates from Chungkook-jang did not show the relevant activity. However, one strain isolated from Chungkook-jang showed the highest fibrinolytic activity (1.84 plasmin unit), and subsequently identified as Bacillus species. The fibrinolytic strain was designated as Bacillus sp. CK 11-4.



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