- 식물의학 황병국
- Sciences et techniques du vin (tome 3) Ribereau-Gayon,J.;E.Peynaud;P.Ribereau-Gayon;P.Sudraud
- C.R. Acad. Sci. v.277 Les polyphenoloxydases du raisin sain et du raisine parasite par Botrytis cinerea Dubernet,M.;P.Ribereau-Gayon
- C.R. Acad. Sci. v.280 Etude de quelques proprietes caracteristiques de la laccase de Botrytis cinerea Dubernet,M.;P.Ribereau-Gayon
- C.R. Acad. Sci. v.296 Mise en evidence d'une activite chez Botrytis cinerea Dubordieu,D.;K.H.Koh;A.Bertrand;P.Ribereau-Gayon
- Les maladies de la vigne Viala,P.
- J. Inst. Brew. v.70 Formation of esters from acids by brewer's yeast. Ⅳ-Effect of higher fatty acids and toxicity of lower fatty acids Nordstrom,K.
- Int. Biodetn. Bull. v.13 Toxicity of aliphatic acids against soft rot organisms and Gloephyllum trabeum Thornton,J.D.;P.J.Robinson;J.R.J.French
- Am. Assoc. of cereal chemists v.51 Antifungal activity of volatile fatty acids on grains. Ⅱ-Effect of aqueous dilutions Herting,D.C.;E.E.Drury
- Antimicrobials in Foods Branen,A.L.;P.M.Davidson
- J. Biol. Med. v.13 The germicidal action of the hydrogen ion and of the lower fatty acids Cowles,C.
- Bacteriol. Rev. v.18 Influence of trace amounts of fatty acids on the growth of microorganisms Nieman,C.
- Ann. Inst. Pasteur v.27 The action of different acids and acid salts upon the development of Aspergillus niger Kiesel,A.
- Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. v.73 Fungistatic and fungicidal effect of sodium propionate on common pathogens Keeney,E.L.
- Clin. Invest. v.23 New preparations for the treatment of fungeous infection. In vitro and in vivo experiments with fatty acid salts, penicillin and sodium sulfathiazole Keeny,E.L.
- J. Food Sci. v.41 Antiviral activity of fruit extract Konowalchuk,J.;J.I.Speirs
- J. Food Sci. v.48 Effect of volatile components of carrot seed oil on growth and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus Batt,C.;M.Solberg;M.Ceponis
- J. Food Sci. v.51 Microbial inhibitions of cranberries Marwan,A.G.;C.W.Nagel
- J. Food Sci. v.41 Isolation of an inhibitor of Aspergillus parasiticus from white potatoes Swaminathan,B.;P.E.Koehler
- Food Technol. no.January Antimicrobials occurring naturally in foods Beuchat,L.R.;D.Golden
- Phytiatr. phytopharm. v.2 Notations et methodes de notations en phytopharmacie Desaymard,P.
- Statistical methods(6th edition) Snedecor,G.W.;W.G.Cocbran
- La defense des vegetaux v.207 Les modes d'action des substances antifongiques a usages agricoles Leroux,P.
- Antimicrobials in foods Branen,A.L.;P.M.Davidson
- J. Am. Oil chem. Soc. v.56 Toxicological bactericidal and fungicidal properties of fatty acids and some derivatives Kabara,J.J.
- Lipids v.9 Antimicrobial lipids; natural and synthetic fatty acids and monoglycerides Kabara,J.J.;R.Vrable;M.Lie Ken Jie
- J. Med. chem. v.16 Antimicrobial action of isomeric fatty acids on group Streptococcus Kabara,J.J.;A.J.Conley;D.J.Swieczkowski;I.A.Ismail;M.Lie Ken Jie;F.D.Gunstone
- metabolic inhibitors: A comprehensive treatise Scholefield,P.G.;Hochster,R.M.(ed.);Quasted,J.H.(ed.)
- These de 3eme cycle Recherches sur la stimulation et I'inhibition de la fermentation alcoolique du mout de raisin Geneix,C.
- Ingenieur des techniques agricoles Etude sur Botrytis cinerea pers. contributioin a l'etude l'efficacite des fongicides, particulierement en vue de la protection precoce des grappes contre la Pourriture grise de la vigne Labit,B.