The Historical Study and Standard Traditional Cooking Methods of Sinsulro

신선로(열구자탕) 조리법의 역사적 고찰과 전통적 표준조리법의 제시

  • 한복진 (한림전문대학 전통조리과)
  • Published : 1995.12.01


"Sinsulro(신선로)" is the famous soup of Cho-sun Dynasty Royal Cuisine, and the original food name is "Yulgujatang(열구자탕)". The first record is on [Sumunsasul] (1740) and the origin history related with Hirang-Jung is on [Headongjukji] and [Chosunyorihak]. From the analysis with Royal banquet menu and 16 kinds of old culinary literatures, "Sinsulro" are contained 54 and 70 material items and used variety cooking methods. Soup base of "Sinsulro" is well boiled meat, shank, brisket, stomach and intestine of beef with water, Some of beef is made meatball and seasoned raw meat. Beef marrow and tripes and liver are sauted with egg. Dried abalone and sea cucumber are soaked in water and then cutting slices after well boiled. Sliced white fish fillet are sauted with egg. Egg white and egg yolk made to thin sheet on pan with oil. Dropwort made to one sheet with flour and egg. Radish are boiled with meat soup and other vegetable are cooked with boiled or sauted. Seeds of pinenut, gingko, walnut are used of decorative seasonings. Filling mehtods of the Sinsulro casserole, the first layer is seasoning raw beef meat, 2nd layer is cooked slice of meat and radish, 3rd layer is rectangle pieces of egg sheet and sauted fish and intestines of beef. The top layer is decorated with meatball and naked nuts. After hot soup is poured until top of the materials, buning charcoal put into the center fire place and then served.o the center fire place and then served.



  1. 漢韓大辭典 李家源(외)
  2. 정식품 사보 신선로, 식후경 이규태
  3. 한국요리백과사전 황혜성
  4. 한국의 맛 강인희
  5. 조선왕조궁중연회음식의 분석적 연구 이효지
  6. 궁중의궤음식문화 김상보
  7. 한국의 전통음식 황혜성;한복려;한복진
  8. 한국식생활사연구 이성우
  9. 問事說 李杓諛
  10. 한국생활과학연구 이성우;조준하
  11. 林園十六志 徐有구
  12. 饔創熙雜志 徐有구
  13. 東國歲時記;동문선 이석호(역);洪錫模(원저)
  14. 海東竹技 崔永年
  15. 조선요리학 홍선표
  16. 중앙대학교 박사학위논문 조선시대 식품의연구 윤서석
  17. 중국요리 김병설
  18. 조선상식문답(1946~8) 최남선
  19. 조선시대 조리서의 분석적 연구 이성우
  20. 松南雜識 趙在三
  21. 戊年燕行錄 徐有聞
  22. 한국식문화학회 v.1 no.1 조선왕조 궁중식에 관한 문헌학적 연구 이성우
  23. 乙卯 園幸乙卯整理儀軌
  24. 丁亥 慈慶殿進爵整理儀軌
  25. 己丑 進饌儀軌
  26. 戊申 進饌儀軌
  27. 戊辰 進饌儀軌
  28. 丁丑 進饌儀軌
  29. 丁亥 進饌儀軌
  30. 壬辰 進饌儀軌
  31. 辛丑 進宴儀軌
  32. 壬寅 進宴儀軌
  33. 문교부 자유공모과제 연구보고서 朝鮮王朝 宮中飮食 件記 李盛雨(纂)
  34. 한국식문화학회 v.3 no.1 朝鮮朝의 宮中飮食 件記에 관한 고찰 李盛雨
  35. 閨閤叢書 정양완(역주);憑虛閣李氏(원저)
  36. 延大 閨壺要覽 찬자미상
  37. 高大 閨閤叢書 憑虛閣李氏
  38. 윤씨음식법 찬자미상
  39. 음식방문 찬자미상
  40. 이씨음식법 찬자미상
  41. 是議全書 찬자미상
  42. 부인필지 憑虛閣 李氏(원저)
  43. 간편요리제법 李奭萬
  44. 조선요리법 趙慈鎬
  45. 조선요리제법 方信榮
  46. 조선무쌍 신식요리제법 李用基
  47. 우리음식 孫貞圭
  48. 조선요리개략 황혜성
  49. 우리나라 음식 만드는 법 방신영
  50. 李朝宮廷料理通考 韓熙順;黃慧性;李惠卿