Signal analysis of respiratory muscle activity for the detection of timing points

타이밍 점들의 탐지를 위한 호흡근육 활동신호의 분석

  • 최한고 (금오공과대학교 전자제어공학과)
  • Published : 1995.06.01


The information obtained from the analysis of respiratory muscle elecromyographic (EMG) activities provides a mean for studying muscular activity in relation to the ventilatory process. Thus, in order to comprehend the airflow pattern and its brain control, signal processing is required to characterize respiratory muscle activity. This paper presents a computerized method for the analysis of the electrical activity of the respiratory muscles of premature lambs, and focuses upon the automatic determination of respiratory timing points such as onset and cessation points of the burst activity. Based on experimental results, reliable timing points can be obtained using the proposed methodology.



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