- 한약학 대한약사한약연구회편
- 한방의 약리해설 박영순
- 동의 처방대전 1 동의 과학원
- 대한 면역학회지 v.12 생약 추출물의 면역 조절작용 (Ⅰ) - 도꼬마리 추출물의 면역억제작용 박승용(외)
- Diabetologia v.28 Molecular biology of type 1 (insulin-dependent)diabetes Lernamrk,A.
- Diabetologia v.32 Lessons from the NOD mouse for the pathogenesis and immunotherapy of human type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus Lampeter,E.F.;Signore,A.;Gale,E.A.M.;Pozzilli,P.
- Clinical immunology and immunopathology v.59 Autoimmune diabetes in NOD mouse: suppression of immune defects by bone marrow transplantation and implication for therapy Edward,H.L.;David,V.S.
- Br. J. Cance. v.67 Gallium-67 radiotoxicity in human U937 lymphoma cells Jonkhoff,A.R.;Huijgens,P.C.;Versteegh,R.T.;Van Dieren, E. B.;Ossenkoppele,G.J.;Martens,H.J.M.;Teule,G.J.J.
Biochem. J.
Glucose-stimulated sequestration of
$Ca_{2+}$ in clonal insulin-releasing cell Erik,G.;Hellman,B. - Diabetologia v.35 Islet cell metabolism is reflected by the MTT (tetrazolium) colorimetric assay Janjic,D.;Wolheim,C.B.
- Journal of Immunological Methods v.164 Simple colorimetric cell-cell adhesion assay using MTT-stained leukemia cells Ichiro,M.;Naomi,I.;Masanari,O.;Hiroshi,K.
- Experimental Hematology v.21 Cellular and cytokine dependent monocytemediated leukemic cell death: modulation by interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α Arjan,A.;Van de Loosdrecht;Robert,H.J.B.;Gert,J.O.;Majolein,G.B.;Mart,M.A.C.L.
- Experimental Hematology v.21 Apoptosis in tumor necrosis factor-α-dependent, monocyte-mediated leukemic cell death: a functional, morphologic and flow-cytometric analysis Van de Loosdercht, A. A.;Ossenkoppele,G.J.;Beelen,R.H.J.;Broekhoven,M.G.;Drager,A.M.;Langenhuijsen,M.M.A.C.
Interferon-γ-Induces class Ⅱ MHC antigens on RI
$N_{m}$ 5F cells Anne-Marie Varey;Peter M. Lydyard;Betty M. Dean; Peter H. van der Meide;Jouce D. Baird;Anne Cooke - Diabetes v.37 Evidence for initial involvement of macrophages in development of insulitis in NOD mice Lee,K.U.;Amano,K.;Yoon,J.W.
- Diabetes v.37 Preferential infiltration of macrophages during early stages of insulitis in diabetes-prone BB rats Lee,K.U.;Kim,M.K.;Amano,K.;Pak,C.Y.;Jaworski,M.A.;Mehta,J.G.;Yoon,J.W.
- Diabetes v.39 Studies on autoimmunity for initiation of β-cell destruction Amano,R.;Yoon,J.W.
- Diabetologia v.32 Macrophage infiltration precedes and is a prerequisite for lymphocytic insulitis in pancreatic islets of pre-diabetic BB rats Haneberg,H.;Kolb-Bachofen. V.;Kantwerk-Funke,G.;Kolb,H.
- Diabetologia v.30 Prevention of lymphocytic thyroiditis and insulitis in diabetes-prone BB rats by the depletion of macrophages Lee,K.U.;Pak,C.Y.;Amano,K.;Yoon,J.W.
- Experimental Hematology v.21 Spectrophotometric determination of clonogenic capacity of leukemic cells in a semisolid microtiter culture system Schweitzer,C.M.;Van de Loosdrecht, A. A.;Jonkhoff,A.R.;Ossenkoppele,G.J.;Huijgens,P.C.;Drager,A.M.;Broekhoven,M.G.;Langenhuijsen,M.M.A.C.
- Diabetologia v.35 Islet cell metabolism is reflected by the MTT (tetrazolium) colorimetric assay Janjic,D.;Wollheim,C.B.
- Pharmacology & Toxicology v.61 The Partial protective effect of branched chain amino acids against streptozotocin-Induced cytotoxicity to mouse pancreatic islets in vitro Decio,L.E.;Stellan,S.