Sliced Profile-based Automatic Extraction of Machined Features from CSG Models

단면 재구성을 통한 CSG 모델의 기계가공부품 형상추출

  • 이영래 (단국대학교 산업공학과)
  • Published : 1994.03.31


This paper describe the development of a systematic method of slicing solid parts based on a data structure called Sliced Profile Data Structure(SPDS). SPDS is an augmented polygon data structure that allows multiple layers of sliced profiles to be connected together. The method consists of five steps: (1) Selection of slicing directions, (2) Determination of slicing levels, (3) Creation of sliced profiles, (4) Connection of sliced profiles, and (5) Refinement. The presented method is aimed at enhancing the applicability of CSG for manufacturing by overcoming the problem of non-uniqueness and global nature. The SPDS-based method of feature extraction is suitable for recognizing broad scope of features with detailed information. The method is also suitable for identifying the global relationships among features and is capable of incorporating the context dependency of feature extraction.
