반죽의 냉동처리가 Chou 형성에 미치는 효과

Effect of Freezing of Paste on the Formation of Chou

  • 이선옥 (동덕여자대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김명애 (동덕여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Lee, Sun-Ok (Dept. of Food and Natrition, Dongduck Women's University) ;
  • kim, Myoung-Ae (Dept. of Food and Natrition, Dongduck Women's University)
  • 발행 : 1994.11.01


This study was conducted to know the quality of chou made with flour pastes which were stored at different conditions of quick freezing, slow freezing, cold and room temperature. Also, this study included investigation of the chou properties such as expansion, sensory evaluation, degree of gelatinization, and physical and structural properties of paste were observed. There were not significant differences m diameter, height, volume, appearance, hollow formation, and sensory evaluation between the chou made with the paste stored at freezing condition and chou directly baked after pasting. Quick and slow freezing storages did not significantly affect the properties of chou, and the same results were obtained among the chou made with pastes thawed at room temperature and in microwave ovenrange. The chou of pastes stored at room temperature and in microwave ovenrange. The chou of pastes stored at room temperature and stored in refrigerator showed lowed expansion and value of sensory evaluation than those of frozen pastes. The paste stored at room temperature had the lowest hardness and viscosity compared with the other storage conditions. According to the observation of light microscope. the lipid bodies of the paste of freezing storage smaller those of the room temperature and refrigerator storage. The expantion of chou made with paste stored at room temperature was greatly decreased due to the high coalescence of lipid bodies, and also the paste components such as lipid, starch granule gluten at room temperature had inferior dispersion condition. The general tendency of the degree of gelatinization of chou were low in all treatments of paste. The values were 23.5%~46.0% in freezing, 77.3% in room temperature, 68.7% in directly baked after pasting, and 61.0% in cold storage, respectively. The formation and the taste of chou made with frozen paste were similar to those of chou directly baked pasting.
