수요예측 모형의 비교분석에 관한 사례연구

A comparative analysis of the Demand Forecasting Models : A case study

  • 정상윤 (수원전문대학 공업경영과) ;
  • 황계연 (㈜삼화콘덴서) ;
  • 김용진 (동국대학교 대학원 산업공학과) ;
  • 김진 (김천전문대학 공업경영과)
  • 발행 : 1994.09.01


The purpose of this study is to search for the most effective forecasting model for condenser with independent demand among the quantitative methods such as Brown's exponential smoothing method, Box-Jenkins method, and multiple regression analysis method. The criterion for the comparison of the above models is mean squared error(MSE). The fitting results of these three methods are as follows. 1) Brown's exponential smoothing method is the simplest one, which means the method is easy to understand compared to others. But the precision is inferior to other ones. 2) Box-Jenkins method requires much historic data and takes time to get to the final model, although the precision is superior to that of Brown's exponential smoothing method. 3) Regression method explains the correlation between parts with similiar demand pattern, and the precision is the best out of three methods. Therefore, it is suggested that the multiple regression method is fairly good in precision for forecasting our item and that the method is easily applicable to practice.
