몽고복식어휘의 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on the Mongolic Costume Terminologies

  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


This study is concerned with a comparative linguistic analysis of the Mongolian costume terminologies. It was found that the Mongolian costume terminologies were related to the costume terminologies of English, Indian, Chinese, Arabic Uigur, Tibetan, Persian, Turkish, Hebrew, Assyrian. The influence of the Chinese costume terminologies was fond in the terminologies of the fabrics and the precious stones of the Mongolians. Also, the influence of the Indian costume terminologies were shown in the Mongolian costume terminologies. A characteristic feature in the Mogolian costume terminologies of the fabrics and the precious stones showed the elements of the foreign terminologies. This factor amy be due to the fact that originally the Mongolians ere the nomades.
