한국전통문양의 유형에 따른 분류에 관한 연구

A Study on Classification of Koran Traditional Patterns Based on Their Types

  • 장수경 (한남대학교 이과대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


A systematic classification of Korean traditional patterns has been made according to their objects and presenting methods. The classification is represented with 3 levels of categories. First, the superordinate category is composed of 7 groups of patterns, i.e. Naturals, Animals, Plants, Artifacts, Geometric, Composites, and Others. Second, the basic category is composed of motifs in each group. Third, the subordinate category is composed of 3 types, i.e. realistic, stylized, abstracted, according to the degree of simplification. As this classification is a method for organizing informations in Korean traditional patterns in a systematic way, it can offer a useful basis for computerization of the patterns.
