영양가 계산을 위한 새로운 식품코드화

New Food Code Numbering for Calculation of Nutritive Value

  • 김상애 (부산여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.10.01


New food item numbers for each food included in Food Composition Table in Korea (4th ed) and other Food Composition Table. New Food item numbers classified to base 5-basic food groups and its classification was as follows. 1 As for the 1569 food items , they were classified as 20 food sub-groups(82 food sorts) for 5-basic food groups. 2. As for the 82 food sorts, they were individually classified with raw prepared , fat sugar content and arranged in order, ㄱ , ㄴ and ㄷ and made the item number. 3. The data set of nutritive value of food with new item numbers was accessed on computer files. 4. The Food & Description Table was drafted as 1572 food items were arranged in order, ㄱ, ㄴand ㄷ. 5. The Food Table arranged in the order or each nutrient content (energy, carbohydrate, protein , etc....) was drafted. Clipper program for computing nutritive values and tabulation of nutrients of daily diet were coded by applying new food item numbers. It is expected that should utilized as a basic data of computer program for calculating the nutritive value of diet, evaluating the nutrition and counseling the nutrition.



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