A Study on the Relationship between Dietary Intakes and the Obesity of Middle School Studients in Seoul

서울시내 중학생들의 식품섭취실태와 비만과의 상관관계 연구

  • 조주은 (명지대학교 가정학과) ;
  • 김주혜 (서울대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 송경희 (서울대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1994.02.01


The study was designed to investigate the relationship between dietary intakes and the obesity of 400 students who were the third grade in middle school in some areas of Seoul. The survey conducted from March 3 to 13 , 1993. The results obtained were summarized as follows :The average height and weight of surveyed subject were similar to that of standard ( the third grade students in middle school in Seoul, 1991) . Compared to the standard weight/height ratio, subject who belonged to overweight and obese group were 16.4% of male students, 16.1% of female students respectively. Female subjects showed higher ratio than male subjects in skipping meals, frequency of snack per day and concern about a dieting . In case of subjects who belonged to weight /height ratio was high, their speed of dining was fast and they have more concern about a dieting. Compared to the amount of the nutritional intakes of RDA, calcium intakes of male and female subjects were deficient. Especially iron intakes of female subjects were deficient. In takes of Calorie (p<0.01) protein(p<0.05) and fat 9p<0.01) of obese group were higher those of non-obese group. Obese group showed good appetite and overeating also . Correlation analysis showed that obese group seemed to the closely associated with relative body weight of parents, family income, frequency of meals per day, frequency of meals per day, frequency of snack per day, speed of dining and overeating .



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