탄소, 질소, 인 및 살균제가 고도로 풍화된 토양의 인 흡착에 미치는 영향

Effects of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Biocides on Phosphorus Adsorption in Highly Weathered Soils

  • Lee, Do-won (Dept. of Environmental Planning, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea) ;
  • Carl F. Jordan (Institure of Ecology, Univesity of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA)
  • 발행 : 1994.08.01


After two highly weathered soils were treated with glucose, ammonium nitrate, monobasic potassium phosphate and biocides, and incubated for 4 or 6 weeks, adsorption tests were carried out to determine their effect on P adsorption. Glucose addition generally decreased P adsorption. The addition stimulated microbial activity, which might contribure to the reduced adsorption, probably through chelation and anion competition. Consistent endency was not observed with N treatment. Addition of P initially decreased P adsorption, probably through blockage of adsorption sites. Biocides generally decreased adsorption, probably because the microbes that 몬 been killed. Soil 1 with naturally lower levels of C and higher levels of aluminium adsorbed more P than soil 2. These results suggest that in highly weathered soils, which are low in available P and high in exchangeable Al, cultivation techniques which increase soil organic matter will also result in higher levels of plant-available P.
