Song Variations of Great Tits inhabiting Kwangnung and Chejudo

광릉과 제주도에 서식하는 박새 Song의 변이

  • Published : 1994.06.01


Sonograms of songs recorded in Kwangnung and Chejudo were analyzed to investigate the features and variances in the songs of Great tit, Parus major variety. Songs of Great tits were identified, most of which were repetitions of phrases compoed of high-frequency note and low-frequency note. Variances between the songs of the two areas in the minimum and maximum of low-frequency were significat. The CV range of the Great tit group in Chejudo was wider than that in Kwangnung. Interregional variance level was significant in the minimum (P<0.04) and maximum (P<0.0001) of low-frequency.
