홀로그래피 간섭계를 이용한 복합적층판의 결함측정

Nondestructive Inspection Method of Composite Laminated Plates by Holographic Interferometry


Mode shapes and natural frequencies of vibrating laminated composite plates are taken using real-time and time-average holographic interferometry. Debonds and delamination in the laminated plates are measured nondestructively. During holographic testing of composite plates, it has been found that the conditions for the local resonance in debonds are strongly dependent on the frequency of excitation. A membrane resonance model was proposed to describe this behavior. Relations between characteristic length according to the size, shape of debonds and membrane resonance frequency are presented. Several experiments were performed to verify the membrane resonance model. The agreements between the predicted excitation frequency and the observed resonance frequency are good. The experimental results show that higher stresses and strains due to local resonance lead to the debond detection.
