갈근해주탕(葛根解酒湯) 합(合) 단주환(斷酒丸)과 해주지갈탕(解酒枳葛湯)이 실험적(實驗的) Alcoholism 생쥐의 행동(行動)에 미치는 영향(影響)

The Effects of Galgunhaejutang + Danjuhwan and Haejujigaltang on the Experimental Behaviors of Alcohol-Intoxicated Mice

  • 방혜연 (경희대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과교실) ;
  • 황의완 (경희대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과교실)
  • Bang Hea-Yeon (Department of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, KyungHee University) ;
  • Whang Wei-Wan (Department of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, KyungHee University)
  • 발행 : 1994.12.05


This experiment was designed to investigate the effects of Galgunhaeiutang + Danjuhwan and Haejujigaltang on the experimental behaviors of alcohol-inticxicated mice. ICR mice were used as subjects for alcohol intoxication in this experiment and sample group received Herb Medicine. The foot-step and rearing score were measured in mice. Also Rota-Rod treadmill & number of successful trials swimming time in the T-maze were done. And the following results were observed; 1. The food-step score was decreased in Galgunhaejutang + Danjuhwan group at the 8th hour, the difference was statistically significant. But Haejujigaltang group showed no significant difference. 2. The number of rearing was decreased in Galgunhaejutang + Danjuhwan group at the 3rd and 8th hour, the difference was statistical significant, while Haejujigaltang group showed no significant differnce. 3. The motor incoordination measered by the Rota-Rod treadmill was decreased in Galgunhaejutang + Danjuhwan group at the 8th hour, but Haejujigaltang group showed no significant difference. 4. The number of successful trials in T-maze showed no significant difference in both groups. 5. The passing time in T-maze was increased in Galgunhaejutang +Danjuhwan group at the 8th hour, but Haejujigaltang group showed no significant difference.



  1. 韓方製制解說集 慶熙醫療院 韓方病院
  2. 褙校黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植(編纂)
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  23. 精神醫學報 v.7 알콜리즘의 진단과 치료 김진국
  24. 행동과학연구 v.7 중추성 아세칠콜린 길항제가 조건변화에 따른 학습에 미치는 영향 윤영화;김기석
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  26. 신경정신의학 v.19 알콜장애자에 대한 임상적 연구 이영호
  27. 한국심리학회지 v.7 인삼 Glycoside가 마우스의 미로학습 및 정서행동에 미치는 영향 張鉉甲
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  29. 행동과학연구 v.7 해마손상후 공간기억 및 준거기억을 요하는 과제에서 나타나는 행동변화 조소현;김기석
  30. 신경정신의학 v.32 주정의존의 정도와 생화학적 임상병리 검사의 이상 소견과의 관련성 최인근;문석환;석재호
  31. 경의대학교 대학원 논문집 v.4 解酒枳葛湯, 斷酒丸 및 醒酒淸肝湯이 實驗的 Alcoholism에 미치는 影響 韓敬勝;金知赫;黃義完
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  33. 新編中藥大辭典 新文豊出版公司
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  39. 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  40. 中醫大辭典(本草) 編輯委員會
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