The total 31 prescriptions of Gok Dal(穀疸), recorded in all the medical books, were investigated. The results are as follows 1. The most used prescription of Gok Dal(穀疸) was INJINHOTANG(茵蔯蒿湯). The next ones are GOKDALHUAN(穀疸丸), SOONJUNGTANG(小溫中湯). 2. The total 79 kinds of medicines were prescribed for Gok Dal(穀疸). Fructus Gardeniae(梔子) was the most popular medicine and Herba Artemisiae Scopariae(茵蔯), Radix et Rhizoma(大黃), Pericar pium Citri NobiLis Viride(靑皮), Rhizoma Atractyloclis(蒼朮) follows. 3. Chung Youl(淸熱) medicines was the most popularly medicines, Sam Sub Li Su(渗濕利水) medicines. Pa Juk Chu(破積聚) medicine So Do(消導) medicine follows. 4. Compared to other jaundices, Gok Dal(穀疸) has been cured by the case of Pa Juk Chu(破積聚) medicines, So Do(消導) medicines.