아크릴아미드의 PAN에 대한 표면 그라프트 공중합에 관한연구

Surface Graft Copolymerization of Acrylamide onto Polyacrylonitrile

  • 최재혁 (부산대학교 공과대학 섬유공학과) ;
  • 김한도 (부산대학교 공과대학 섬유공학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


To increase the moisture content and thereby to reduce the static charge of polyacrylonitrile (PAN), thin layer surface photografting of acylamide (AAm) onto PAN fabrics by using benzophenone as a initiator with a mixtured solvent was carried. The effects of reaction conditions such as monomer, initiator concentrations, UV irradiation time and immersion time of fabrics on grafting were investigated. The percent grafting slightly increased with increasing monomer concentration, benzophenone concentration up to limiting value and thereafter decreased or level offed. The percent grafting was significantly increased with increasing irradiation and immersion times. The moisture regain increased with increasing the percent grafting. The static charge decreased with increasing the percent grafting.
