한.중간 수산업분야 경제협력 필요성에 관한 연구

A Study for Necessity of Sino - Korean Joint Cooperation in Fisheries Business

  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


Since the last decade, the fisheries industry in Korea has faced many difficulties in terms of comparative economic advantage partly because of marine environmental damage caused by Pollution and coastal reclamation, and partly because of too expensive production factors like labor. In addition, new order of world trade created by Uruguay Round will force the Korean fisheries industry to prepare some remedies including a joint-venture business with China for international compatativeness. As a result, this paper mainly deals with an analysis on feasibility of Sino-Korean joint cooperation in fisheries business. Especially, the Shandong Province in China is expected to take advantage of its geographical proximity to Koreas well as of its abundance in marine natural resources in order to achieve a fast economic growth. Thus, for the next decade to come, it would be very important for the Korean fisheries industry to cope with the international fisheries market by the Sino-Korean joint-venture combining the capital and technology from Korea with the cheap labor and favorable marine environment for aquaculture from China.
