Wh와 Wi를 이용한 4-move ZKIP과 그 응용

4-Move ZKIP Using WH and WI and Its Applications

  • 양형규 (성균관대학교 정보공학과) ;
  • 이인숙 (한국통신 통신망연구소) ;
  • 원동호 (성균관대학교 정보공학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.08.01


In this paper, we will propose 4-move ZKIP and its application. Using bit-commitment scheme that is necessary to organize the ZKIP related to NP-Complete problem and WH and WI preserving the property for security under parallel composition of protocols, we will show that the proposed ZKIP is 4-move ZKIP of SAT comparing to 6-move ZKIP of SAT proposed by Brassard. Chaum and Yung, and under claw-free pairs of function the proposed ZKIP is also 4-move ZKIP comparing to 5-move ZKIP proposed by Goldreich and Krawczyk under the same assumption. Moreover we will show the efficiency of the proposed scheme better than Fiat and Shamir's scheme at the points of computational complexity and communication complexity, and also propose the efficient and secure identification scheme against the chosen ciphertext attack, using the proposed scheme.
